Marantz PM8003 Amplifier

Marantz efficiently has two product lines for two channel stereo - the routine items (version numbers in the thousands) as well as the esoteric (version numbers). The PM8003 is now the highest part boasting (would not you think?) It is no idle boast as it is a well more fancy amp in lots of ways than a few of the more beloved ones here, thanks to the size and consequent edges on the volume buying and production front of Marantz

Naturally, Marantz has set its well-adored 'Hyper-Dynamic Amplifier Module' (HDAM) circuits to great use here, high performance circuit blocks constructed using discrete transistors.

Actually, discrete components dominate the proceedings, though an integrated circuit is used by input signal substitution, making the circuit boards quite active.

There is little evidence of part types that are tweaky - most are miniature parts that are commercial grade, for instance - but a few may be discovered, including high speed rectifier diodes, which produce substitution noise that is less than standard sorts. The case is not incidental, and copper plated.


It is quite clear from our listeners' reaction to the amp it handles others, among some areas of performance very well really, maybe not quite so. Especially, it's quite great with musical flow dynamics as well as the total 'big picture', but maybe less good at detail, beat as well as the minutiae that make for analytic listening. Fair enough; an amp only at that sort of cost will probably neglect, but one that understands its strengths, can make some listeners quite joyful, if possibly making several unmoved.

As a result, the PM8003 somewhat underwhelmed the listener on our panel who genuinely enjoys a comprehensive sound, remarking that something seemed not right, but it was difficult to nail what. After as the perpetrator, he'd identified a minimal loss of fine detail in the session. The others were considerably more taken together with the overall setting, the 'swing' and also the dynamic tempo of the sound, despite the fact that they did remark on the unusual minute of smudged, which mainly convinced them of the music naturalism or element that was left out.

It is one and a catchy compromise we spent a great period of time following the panel had left inquiring.

The phono period judged only and appears a bit more comprehensive as opposed to line input signals -driven amp, this one scores somewhat higher. There's also an extremely remarkable amount of bass guitar drive, which is not worse than from line level sources.

Marantz PM8003 Amplifier photo