Denon AVR-3312 AV-receiver

I must happen to be snoozing as Denon's AVR-3311 was missed by me entirely. That nicely GBP1,200 receiver that is defined forms the foundation on which the AVR-3312 upgraded is constructed and refined. And it is damn great news for prospective buyers this year's competition comes in GBP200 more affordable. Is a puzzle where the cash continues to be saved. The brand new child gives away adding HDMIs, AirPlay and more networking as standard as well as a fresh setup wizard, and boasting attributes and all the money's power.

Assembled with discrete components on a 7x125W chassis throughout, the AVR-3312 offers processing for each and every film audio format. Audyssey DSX processing and Dolby ProLogic IIz enable the amp stations to be assigned by you to width or height responsibilities, and there are double sub output signals for those that enjoy their LFE fruity and strong.

On the fascia at this point you get four assignable quick select buttons for four customisable presets and often used sources. The single remote control that is provided has a somewhat US-centric feel with graphical icons replacing text captions on many buttons. Like all AVRs these days, the provided remote is a step back from previous embodiments that featured extravagances like EL backlit screens. This is because straightforward; Denon's sleek remote control Program, now available for Apple devices with the Android variation at hand can controls the AVR-3312.

The user GUI keeps a lot of preceding Denon systems' mechanisms, but has been revamped to allow it to be both much more useable and more pretty. It is sleek, colourful and will be overlaid on content in the backdrop. A wizard directs you step by step through all facets of the set up with consummate ease. Even an entire newbie could create the AVR-3312 as each phase is mapped out as unique as diagrams with directions suggesting where exactly to place the setup mic during setup. It is not so difficult your aged mum could get it done, although no mums that are aged were accessible at time to examine that theory.

Denon was among the initial brands to enter bed with the AirPlay of Apple. It turned out to be a GBP40 additional on the AVR-3311 and has become normal, which makes the AVR-3312 seem even better value. This streamed music readily the very first time I set it up, complete as time went on, but things got a bit flakey. Net radio would not be overridden by AirPlay but would if streamed direct despite turning bits of kit off and on.

I found most of the other network comes with of the AVR-3312 a wind, including getting DLNA-equipped net radio, libraries as well as the new web browser setup interface. Can not think of any private use for it, however, while I'm out of turning on the radio short.

Add to this the AVR- the direct access to Napster, LastFM and Flickr reports of 3312 and there is an extremely all-inclusive media hub in your family room.

Following a simple run the AVR-3312 came firing with all guns blazing to the area and a Denon badge tattooed across its torso that was metaphorical. The sound is bold, large and strong using a soundstage that provides smashing existence and gizzard-wrenching strike. It really reminds me of the Denon AVR back, which were brawn having a subliminal danger to consume little kids and all bristling strength. The AVR-3312 is a creature-sounding receiver having a top end border that actually drives high frequency effects as well as an enormous weight. The reverse side is the fact that it is a little more dirty in its demonstration. It is slightly sometimes oppressive and edgy compared to a few of the more sensitive and comprehensive sounding receivers.

Together with the Audyssey participated, the picture rips along at a rate, with large sweeping pans and bold effects which go some solution to masking the entire dearth of cogent storyline of the picture.

Running in total-phat, 7-station way, you immediately begin to believe that the couch is really all at sea, having a festival of watery effects panning in most ways. As water sails to the chamber, the sound swells into a crescendo of activity, complete with all the fine element of birds tweeting and flapping as they escape in the scene. The ensuing fight scene is an adrenaline-fuelled upsurge of sound that is dynamic, swift and strong. The scene is completely knitted together putting you at the center of the scene.

But minutes later, against fight scene and the effects, the dialogue is lost in the mixture. Adding 2dB or 1dB to the heart amount helps, but the AVR-3312's boisterous equilibrium does not offer the best.

The substantial equilibrium of the Denon results in drama that is extensively extreme. From quiet punctuated by foot drops to Eli's unexpected impact bound down onto a casualty, it is going to have you jumping from your skin. Take away the rowdy orchestral and effects-headed backdrop of the Pirates film, and you also get dialogue that is sound and expressive.

The AVR-3312 has totes of the power, fire and charm that have underpinned the AVR sound of the brand practically since AV receivers were devised. Add to this a stellar collection of attributes and class-leading connectivity and you've got a formidable competitor in the cost. While there tend to be more impartial and open AVRs out there, few pictures that are current with rather the weight and adrenaline gusto of the Denon.

Denon AVR-3312 AV-receiver photo