Cambridge Audio CD-player reviewsCambridge Audio Azur 650C CD-player Times are tough. There's less cash floating round the economy and folks are tightening their belts, debts are being paid off, holidays delayed or cancelled while the purchase of several luxury goods will be deferred or ignored entirely. Hi-fi is enduring too with many audiophiles deciding to stick with... Cambridge Audio Azur 651C CD-player About 15 years ago, the budget hifi stadium was left by mainstream Japanese manufacturing companies, leaving smaller specialists to cater for cash strapped audiophiles. The cash no longer appeared to be in two channel, so they all rushed to the home entertainment side of the electronic equipment marketplace.... Cambridge Audio Azur 740C CD-player Just the scalloped sides and white LCD screen that is backlit indicate you did not pick up this as preloved deal in an online auction. Was that a bit cruel? Analyze the pictures and make your own mind up. Moreover, do not run away with the thought that this CD player is not good-constructed, as it... Cambridge Audio Azur 840C CD-player While the 740C is a player that is great, a step is marked by the 840C to the universe of serious furrowed-brow hifi. Round the rear from its aluminium-plate front panel will be the signals that only the commenced need apply for possession: balanced XLR output outlets, two digital signal input signals,... Cambridge Audio Topaz CD5 CD-player Considering they were, there must really be a fair few old Japanese stand systems out there. Although considerably-built and now quite awesome in a retro way, they were replaced with more modern hardware and consigned to shed a garage or loft. Could they be brought back into service, if only as 'second-room'... |